
Tacoma News Tribune

Kudos to a state senator from Auburn for coming up with a news-delivery platform for the attention-deficit generation.

“60 Minutes” is for fogeys. Joe Fain can tell you everything you need to know in 57 seconds.

Fain, 34, understands young people are more easily distracted than goldfish. So he started making YouTube videos in which he breathlessly sums up complicated policy and multimillion-dollar Republican budget plans while a clock counts down and rock music thumps in the background.

He keeps things trending with cheeky graphics and hipster sweaters that make him a dead ringer for News Tribune columnist Matt Driscoll.

Not since the “Schoolhouse Rock” cartoons of our childhood has learning about government felt so cool.

There’s just one problem: The millennials don’t have time for this. They don’t even like to hold a job for 57 seconds.

If a man can break the four-minute barrier for running a mile, surely Fain can break the four-second barrier for running his mouth.

Caption: Sen. Joe Fain of Auburn rocks the hipster sweater and glasses, and explains government in 57 seconds. News Tribune columnist Matt Driscoll rocks the hipster sweater and glasses, and explains government in around 700 words three times a week.